Developer INTSIG, responsible for the popular CamScanner document scanning service, has announced the return of the app to Google Play. In late August this year, he was banned from the Android digital store because he was carrying malware.

On the company’s official Twitter account, the brand asks all users to upgrade CamScanner to version 5.12.5 as soon as possible or download again if they have uninstalled.

A new type of malware, called Joker by experts, has been found hidden in a number of Android apps that already count for thousands of downloads on the Play Store. With the installation of malware, several subscriptions to services and apps are made without user consent, causing credit card damage.

Detected by analyst Aleksejs Kuprins of CSIS Security Group, the Joker was hidden in Play Store apps. Once installed, it used saved credit card data to purchase apps for service subscriptions that would benefit its creators.

CamScanner Is Back on Android After Being Banned by Malware

In its official company Twitter account, which is typically used for update announcements, this time the brand asks all users to quickly and non-optionally if they wish to resolve the issue. Perform the latest CamScanner update to version 5.12.5 as soon as possible or if you have already uninstalled as many sites and Youtubers recommended, perform the installation again if they have uninstalled.

“Share it with your friends, guys. Leave your comments below and tell us that you are still with us. It’s time to reward our loyal users, ”the message says, without specifying what kind of bonuses will be sent.

Caught Very Bad Mainly Being Recurring

In the case of the CamScanner app, the problem was a large and serious security breach that was embedded in the advertising system than the contained version, especially the free version of the app. And it all began to dismount shortly after several reports and bumps by antivirus apps that were present on the whistleblowers’ smartphones. The search giant’s own store, which owns the Android smartphone system, did not recommend downloading and banned installation. Despite the resolution of the problem, part of the public is not being frivolous and will have difficulty forgiving the slip caused by this error and complained a lot in the post.

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CamScanner Useful But Malware Host App

We currently live in the age of digital revolution! Revolution not by a fight or fight, but by decision of space and utility of the petrechos. Can the cell phone kill? Is it dangerous to be on your smartphone all the time or on your smartphone until near bedtime? we will only really know the answers in the near future.

CamScanner Useful But Malware Host App

We currently live in the age of digital revolution! Revolution not by a fight or fight, but by decision of space and utility of the petrechos. Can the cell phone kill? Is it dangerous to be on your smartphone all the time or on your smartphone until near bedtime? we will only really know the answers in the near future.

“Share it with your friends, folks. Leave your comments below and tell us you’re still with us. It’s time to reward our loyal users,” the message says, without specifying what kind of bonuses will be sent.

Got it bad

In CamScanner’s case, the problem was a serious security breach embedded in the advertising contained in the free version of the app. After reports and bugs of antivirus on smartphones, the Android store itself did not recommend the download and prohibited the installation. Despite the resolution of the problem, part of the public did not forgive the error and complained a lot in the post.